Statistics is a branch of mathematics concerned with the collection, organization, analysis, interpretation, and presentation of data. At its core, statistics deals with the inherent uncertainty […]
Decision Support Systems (DSS) are computer software used to support decisions, judgments, and executive tasks in an organization or business. Such systems greatly assist in making […]
One of the hot topics in recent years in the field of technology and scientific advancements has been Artificial Intelligence. With the emergence and increasing development […]
A classification algorithm is a supervised learning method that aims to determine the category or label of new data based on previous data. For example, if […]
What is the expert system? Expert system is one of the fields of artificial intelligence. This system can make decisions like an intelligent human. Expert system […]
What is Clustering? Clustering algorithm (cluster analysis) is a grouping method of objects based on their similarities. It is used as a data analysis technique to […]
Before talking about RESTful API, a reminder of API or Application Programming Interface could be helpful. API is a type of programming interface that connects a […]
When entering and storing information, an error may occur and the database becomes occupied by wrong data. Therefore, during a process, it is tried to clear […]