Expert system is one of the fields of artificial intelligence. This system can make decisions like an intelligent human. Expert system focuses on how knowledge representation works in solving real problems. In this article, we are going to discuss the application, components and reasons for using Expert System.
Expert systems can solve real problems instead of an expert. This system, which is one of the subgroups of artificial intelligence, provides specialized services in a specific field along with specialists and experts and are used for problems that require specialized knowledge and logical conclusions based on data and previous experiences.
Today, expert system is highly regarded by the managers of organizations and companies. Managers of organizations use expert systems to support the decisions they make. In fact, these systems are intelligent computer software in which the special people collected in the form of scientific data sets.
This system uses human knowledge to solve issues that require intelligence. The information used in such systems is called specialized knowledge. in one word; Expert systems are programs that can process problems based on logical patterns and draw conclusions like humans.
The expert system consists of seven important components. User, expert, knowledge engineer, database, inference engine, explanation system, and knowledge acquisition system. We will explain each of these elements in the following.
The first important component of this system is the user. The user has a two-way relationship with the system and deals with different categories. The construction of expert systems will not be fruitful until they are approved by the user.
An expert is a person that his knowledge in one field has been obtained as a result of years of experience. A knowledge engineer is also a designer and developer of expert systems. In fact, he is a computer expert who has mastered all artificial intelligence methods. He can solve problems in an appropriate time with the help of artificial intelligence methods.
The inference engine is another important component of the expert system. The inference engine provides the conclusion of the relationship between the database and the knowledge base. The task of the explanation system is to explain how the system reaches a specific result for the user.
This is important Because it increases the approval and acceptance of the user. In this case, there is an opportunity to identify and edit simple system errors and bugs. In our knowledge acquisition system, we see the process of extracting, designing and presenting knowledge. In most cases, knowledge extraction is obtained through interviews.
There are various implemented examples of expert systems that have different applications according to their unique characteristics. In this article, 3 popular examples of expert systems are given.
Dendral was an artificial intelligence project built as an expert system for chemical analysis. In organic chemistry, it was used to identify unknown organic molecules with the help of mass spectrum and their chemical knowledge base.
Mysin was one of the first expert systems based on backward chaining. It has the ability to identify different bacteria that cause severe infections. It is also able to recommend medications based on a person’s weight.
PXDES is an expert system used to determine the type and stage of lung cancer. To diagnose the disease, he takes a picture of the upper part of the body, which looks like a shadow. This shade determines the type and degree of damage.
Expert system is used to get advice and also to solve problems. These days, the expert system is used in various fields. Designing and manufacturing of hardware parts is one of these areas. The construction and design of devices such as camera lenses, driverless and self-driving cars, etc. are assisted by expert systems.
Fraud detection in financial fields is also possible with the help of expert systems. This system helps to identify suspicious financial behavior. Bank heads, with the help of this system, will be able to assign bank loans to applicants in a clearer and more transparent way. Based on the output of the expert system, they will be able to make decisions about who should be given a loan.
Another application of expert systems is in medicine. It is very useful to use this system to diagnose the disease, prescribe medicine, and suggest a treatment method.
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The expert system is also widely used in organizations. Managers and leaders of organizations can get help from the results of this system in order to make strategic decisions to achieve more profit. This method makes them have a clear path to reach the goals of the organization and they are less prone to slip up in important decisions.
Time management and planning is another advantage and various applications of expert systems. With the help of this system, you can have detailed and detailed time planning. Airlines and flight agencies will be able to have the best schedule with the help of this method.
One of the reasons for using this system is the limitation of human memory. This means that a large amount of information can be stored in the computer memory. High efficiency, solving specialized issues, drawing conclusions without interfering with human emotions and updating data are other important reasons for using this system.
The following are the advantages of the expert system:
Improving quality and reducing decision time:
With the help of expert system, human can make decisions at a fast speed. It is very efficient for decision makers who are in direct contact with customers, it also improves the quality of decision making.
Easy adaptation to new conditions:
Unlike humans, who often have difficulty adapting to new environments, an expert system has high adaptability and can meet new needs in a short period of time. It can also receive new knowledge from an expert and use it as inference rules to solve new problems.
High level of experience:
One of the interesting features of the Expert system is that it provides a high level of expertise when solving queries. Just like good professionals, it provides the best thinking and ultimately provides accurate and efficient solutions to the problem.
Overcoming human limitations:
It has no human limitations and can work continuously around the clock. Users can use it repeatedly in search of solutions. The knowledge of experts is a valuable asset for the company. It can store knowledge and use it until the organization needs it.
Beside all the advantages, every system also has disadvantages. Among the disadvantages and limitations of the expert system, the following can be mentioned:
Need for expert engineers:
Expert engineers are needed to design and develop the Expert system. Building an expert system is expensive because the availability of engineers is limited and expensive.
It may give wrong solutions:
No system is error free. An expert system may make an error in processing due to some logical mistakes made in the knowledge base, which leads to providing wrong solutions.
Lack of creativity:
Every problem that needs to be solved has its own characteristics and limitations, and a particular problem may have different solutions in different circumstances. Due to the characteristics of expert systems, they cannot give creative and innovative answers in unusual situations like human experts, and the existence of human experts is very important.
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